
The Digital Business

Tag Archives: B2B Marketing

Why your company should develop a social media policy.

Social media is being used by more and more businesses, to mostly positive results. Using tools such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn can help your business reach a wider audience than you may have ever thought possible. However, as awesome as these tools may be, you do need to be careful about how you (and […]

How great content can help you get clients.

  Content is King, right?  Maybe not… Last week I had a good chat with a potential new client. She asked me two questions: “Do you guys develop content?” and, “How much does it cost?” The first one was easy to answer. The second one, not so much. When we Google, we look for websites […]

The new word of mouth.

Back in the day, many businesses relied on word of mouth for advertising. There’s nothing more effective than someone you know giving a personal recommendation for a product. It has always worked fairly well. Someone really loves your product, so they tell their friends and those friends tell other friends, and it continues on. (Like […]

How personal tweets can help your brand seem more genuine.

I read an article from Ars Technica earlier this week that really got me thinking. It was about a study done at Elizabethtown College about how adding personal tweets to your business Twitter feed can affect your credibility. Most people would think that business accounts should be just that – business accounts. That’s understandable, as […]