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The Digital Business

How the Evolution of Modern Marketing Is Changing B2B Marketing [Infographic]

Modern marketing was born out of the necessity to prove that your stuff was better than the stuff the other guy was selling down the street. The way we tell our story continues to evolve as long as people keep innovating new ways to communicate the value of the goods and services we sell.

For many B2Bs struggling with today’s new marketing innovations such as marketing automation, social media, mobile and video, Dayna Rothman over at Marketo has provided an excellent visual summary of how modern marketing has evolved over the past century.

Upon closer examination to the timeline presented in the infographic, notice how technology changes the marketing landscape and how dramatically the speed of new innovations increases as technology advances:

  • 1900s Print Era (magazines and newspaper)
  • 1920s Radio Era
  • 1960s TV Era
  • 1990s Internet Era (web, email, SEO)
  • 2000s Social Era (blogs, social networks)
  • 2010s Mobile Era (apps, inbound marketing, marketing automation)

The point I want to make is this: change is inevitable so don’t resist it. Embrace it and make it work for your business. My parents used to roll their eyes over this “internets thing”. Their parents used to roll their eyes over this “television thing”. Businesses need to embrace new innovations like social marketing just like our parents and grandparents did with TV and Radio.

Every generation resists the changes that new generations impose. But like it or not, the new innovations available to us all are not going away. In fact they are only going to get bigger and better with each passing generation. I leave you with this:

“Although technology keeps changing the way we communicate, the guiding principals of communication and connection never change.”

Got any insights or opinions on the evolution of modern marketing? Share your thoughts and sound off in the comments below or on Twitter (@SterlingKlor).

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