
Blog Post

The Digital Business

What to blog about when you can’t think of anything to blog about.

Writer’s block. It happens to the best of us. Including me, right now. They say you should always write what you know, so I’ve decided to do just that and write about what to do when you have nothing to write about. (I’m kind of a pro at this, so you may want to take notes.)

Anyone with a blog has probably gone through this at some point. You stare at the blinking cursor. It is taunting you. How do you MacGyver your way out of this one? Luckily, I happen to have some tips handy in my back pocket. I fashioned them out of gum wrappers and paperclips.

Read. Read blogs. Read Twitter. Read everything. You never know what’s going to set off that spark in your brain. For me, inspiration often comes from the words of others.

Ask a question. Think about something you want to learn more about. Write about why you’ve always wondered about it, or why you don’t quite understand it. Then pose the question to your readers. This not only solves your writing problem, but also invites reader comments.

Make a list. I’m doing that right now, so obviously it works. Pick a topic and make a list that relates to it. For example: The Top Five Reasons Why Writing a Blog Post is So Difficult Right Now.

Listen. What are the people around you talking about? If it’s current, interesting or just plain weird, chances are your readers would like to hear about it. Start your own conversation by pulling from someone else’s conversation.

Even when you think there is nothing to write about, there’s always something there. Sometimes you just have to dig a little in order to find it. Hopefully using these tips will help you find it a little faster. Hey, it worked for me!

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