
Blog Post

The Digital Business

How great content can help you get clients.


Content is King, right?  Maybe not…

Last week I had a good chat with a potential new client. She asked me two questions: “Do you guys develop content?” and, “How much does it cost?” The first one was easy to answer. The second one, not so much.

When we Google, we look for websites that serve up great content. Content helps us decide whether or not we will engage with a business. Today, great content can give one business a decisive advantage over another. So then, the old saying must be true, right? “Content is King”? Not exactly. Great content developers are the kings and queens. Great content doesn’t happen by itself. It comes from great content creators.

What does it take?

Anyone can create content, but not everyone can create great content. Creating content is hard to do – and hard to do well. It goes much deeper than words and pictures because it requires accurate insight and creative thinking in order to craft messages with the right personality and tone to generate the leads that drive results.

Unfortunately, content is too often a marketing “after-thought.” And this is my point: just because a bunch of words and pictures are on your website, doesn’t mean it will drive results. If you take the time to plan your content so it integrates into your marketing strategy, your marketing activities will connect and resonate with your audience.

How much does it cost?

Well, it depends on what you want. The rule of thumb is, the greater the content, the greater the cost. That said, pricing out content is easier when content is integrated into a company’s marketing strategy and brand platform. It’s nearly impossible to gauge or execute well when there is no strategy.

Take your content seriously and budget accordingly. It is an important asset because it is created by people for people. At the end of the day your online presence will be judged very quickly by the quality of the content you serve up to your visitors.

Successful brands continually feed their customers with great content experiences. Think about your own experiences with the brands you trust. Why do those experiences strike a chord? Is it because the content they serve makes you come back for more? Is it because what they say is what they do?

What is your philosophy on content strategy? Share it with us in the comments!


For an example of content with personality and tone, check out Ann Handley’s work. She’s the content queen over at MarketingProfs and one of the best in the industry. If you need a marketing plan refresher, check this out… Get Clients in 2011: A Simple Marketing Plan

Further recommended reading:
Three Steps to Generating Higher ROI From Content Marketing
Using Social Media Strategically
Changes to the Marketing Budget Landscape in 2011

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